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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Book Chat: Desert Island Bringers

Book Chat is hosted by the one and only Misty over at The Book Rat. This week's topic is books I'd bring on a desert island.

1. Book You've Read Before: I would pick The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. There's no way I am going to an island without my favorite book/most prized possession.

2. Book You've Never Read: The Stand Complete and Uncut Edition by Stephen King. I have always meant to read it, on a desert island I finally can.

3. Childhood Favorite: Hoot by Carl Hiaasen.

4. Series: I am torn between Gallagher Girls series by Ally Carter and Harry Potter.

5. Freebie: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.


  1. I really need to read The Stand.
    And yay! for The Outsiders!

    1. I can never find the time to read The Stand. It's so long. haha. Thanks for commenting Misty!

  2. The Stand made my list as well! We'd definitely be able to get it finished on a desert island.
    I read The Outsiders in school and loved it! Think I'll have to buy myself a copy to add to the collection :)


Thanks for the comment!


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